Wednesday, January 07, 2009

YuLastfm Pidgin plugin download

Author: Chih-Chun Lin (linleno)
Version: 0.1.1
License: GPLv2
Requirement: Pidgin 2.3+
Desc.: This perl script is a Pidgin(one popular instant message software on Linux) plugin which help you update your "now playing" information from the musical social network.
  1. cp ~/.purple/plugins/
  2. configure yulastfm plugin: set username and set refreshing rate (don't set the refreshing rate too high, 30-60 per sec. is reasonable range), in sec.
  3. You could go to Tools->YuLastfm->"Refresh Tune" to refresh Tune right away, at the meantime, the timeout will also been reset.

You could visit YuLastfm Project Homepage on for more specific and updated information.

1 comment:

Leno Lin said...

Any comment on this plugin will be welcome. Thanks in advance!